Cookie Policy

Every time you come visit our website you are looking for need a comfortable navigation on our website with full tailored user experience. Therefore, we bring it to you by using online tools called cookies on our webpage.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of data from a website which asks permission to be placed on your hard drive. Once you agree to the placement of the cookie on your hard drive it starts collecting data used to analyze traffic or keeps track of when you visited a particular site. The purpose of it is to tailor the operation to your needs through data gathered and remembering your patterns and preferences.

Your preferences

Using our website enables you the activation of these tools together with their storage on your browser and local device. On the other hand please recall that cookies can be blocked and deleted from this site at any time by the user when clearing your cookies in the browser or altering your privacy settings in the browser.

You can opt-out from certain cookies, but the website will be unable to work properly without them. Other offerings from the website can be restricted in case you block specific cookies.

Classification of Cookies

Various multipurpose cookies performing different tasks are used on our website. These are google analytics cookies, wordpress cookies and opti monster.

To each cookie there is associated a certain operating time. Therefore they last on the site between a few minutes to a few months. As mentioned above, the cookies found on the site are related to the development and tools that are enhancing the user experience.

Cookies can fall into two important categories: necessary and unnecessary. The former are utilized because of their indispensable operation of the website. Without an opt-out setting from your browser, these cookies become active and get stored on your device right away. The latter are relevant for the improvement of the user experience via tailored information gathered to suit your needs. Nevertheless their presence is not vital for the day to day online activity.

Other cookies include session cookies that are abandoned once you terminate your online session. Others are more or less permanent, because they enable you to customize your website navigation over several sessions in a row.

Examples of session cookies include flow cookies that enhance communication between servers, but do not identify a user or a customer, despite having unique ID numbers.